Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is History Truly Alive?

As we get more and more involved in Social Studies, understanding how and when events began, and the cause and effect of ideas is vital. (Very important). Today, as we celebrate Freedom Week, we will look at some interesting events and ideas that make up the very fabric of our country. We will start with our country's pledge. 

Create a new post titled: My Country Tis of Who? Then, begin your post by typing the Pledge of Allegiance. See how much of it you know without reciting it aloud with the class.

Second, listen to this recording of the pledge being recited then go back to your version and make any corrections. 

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Next, look up the vocabulary in the Pledge and find out what they mean. (Ex: pledge, allegiance, republic, indivisible, liberty, justice) 


Pledge - ........

Allegiance - ....... 

After you finish the vocabulary write why you think The Pledge of Allegiance is important to Americans, then write why the Pledge is important to you.

lastly, you and your team will research on the Internet various national celebrations such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Constitution Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day. You will work in groups to research one holiday so you can report out and share your findings with the class later. As a group, you will find information regarding: 1. Why the holiday is important/celebrated, 2. Its origins/history (meaning when and how it began). Finally you will then work with the group to create a poster that explains the national celebration with the information you found along with an illustration that depicts the significance (importance). You will do this as a Glog. 

I know this seems like a ton of work, but you are a great group when you are on task, so let's step it up a notch and show what we can do.

Happy blogging!

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