Check out this videos on fight obesity.
Now I understand that this was put together by First Lady Obama to educate everyone about the dangers of childhood obesity, but what can you do to help the cause. Leave a comment below with a nice detailed plan to make more kids aware of the dangers of not exercising and moving whenever they have a chance.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Why Now?
As we wrap up our conversation this week, I wanted to give you a video preview to comment on. Take a look and then leave a message answering the following question. Why do you think that Dreamworks Animation studio decide to put out the preview to a movie that will not come out in theaters until the summer of 2012
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Who's The Turkey Now?
Check out today's CNN Student News Report. Today, CNN Student News reports on the arrest of a suspected terrorist in New York, a jobs bill aimed at helping American veterans, and a new wave of political upheaval affecting Egypt. We also meet a CNN Hero who works with the disabled in Mexico. And we celebrate the season by exploring some unusual Thanksgiving traditions!
After watching the report, leave a comment below about your favorite Thanksgiving holiday traditions.
After watching the report, leave a comment below about your favorite Thanksgiving holiday traditions.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Email The Results
Awe! Your getting older now! So,lets tackle learning how to use media to take a quiz and have the results provided for me to easily add to my grade book. Take a look at the following tutorial and follow the instructions to complete the BrainPOP task.
After finishing your quiz and emailing it to me, come back to the blog and leave me a comment on your thoughts about completing a quiz in this manner. Make sure you back up your opinion with an example.
After finishing your quiz and emailing it to me, come back to the blog and leave me a comment on your thoughts about completing a quiz in this manner. Make sure you back up your opinion with an example.
TABITGB Section 7: pages 133-154
I'm sorry I am not here with you to go over Section 7, but considering the time frame, you need to continue on your own. I will try to have a audio post of the reading by the afternoon, but if not, please take a look at the roles prior to reading and then access Google Docs to find out which role you are assigned to fulfill.
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found (if possible). Be sure you ask questions that really make you use your noodle!
You need to ask the following types of questions:
2 Cause/Effect questions
1 Math question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Interesting
1 Descriptive
1 Cause and Effect
1 Passage of your choice
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
faucet p.134 par.
sobbing p.146 par.5
Zen p.138 par. 6
blubbered p.146 par.11
hiccupped p.146 par.11
Travel Tracer: (Click here for example)
Your task is to discover where the characters move around and the scene changes. It is important to know where things are happening and how the settings alter. Track carefully where action takes place during this section. Describe the setting in detail. Be sure to give the page locations.
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found (if possible). Be sure you ask questions that really make you use your noodle!
You need to ask the following types of questions:
2 Cause/Effect questions
1 Math question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Interesting
1 Descriptive
1 Cause and Effect
1 Passage of your choice
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
faucet p.134 par.
sobbing p.146 par.5
Zen p.138 par. 6
blubbered p.146 par.11
hiccupped p.146 par.11
Travel Tracer: (Click here for example)
Your task is to discover where the characters move around and the scene changes. It is important to know where things are happening and how the settings alter. Track carefully where action takes place during this section. Describe the setting in detail. Be sure to give the page locations.
TABITGB Section 6: Pages 107 - 132
Oooh! This is getting good! Section 5 ended with Carla making Bradley feel better about his desire to show everyone the good that is inside of him in spite of everything that seems to be going wrong. However, She gives him a kiss on the cheek at the end of their conversation. What do you think about that? (Leave a comment in VoiceThread)
However, it's time to go on to Section 6 and focus on the resolution of our story. Section 6 covers pages 107 - 132 which consists of chapters 28 - 32. Please take a look at the responsibilities of each role below and log in to your Google Docs to see your particular assignment.

However, it's time to go on to Section 6 and focus on the resolution of our story. Section 6 covers pages 107 - 132 which consists of chapters 28 - 32. Please take a look at the responsibilities of each role below and log in to your Google Docs to see your particular assignment.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
TABITGB Section 5: Pages 86 - 106
Ooh, this is getting good. You are starting to see how the author strategically places content, phrases, and certain scenes as clues to what is to come in our story. Our problem has been identified and we are reaching the climatic point of the story, just right before our resolution. Let's continue to dive into our novel and the impact of Bradley's character development.
Once again, we will stay within our groups and use Google Docs to facilitate our discussions. So, here are the roles for this section:
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found. Be sure you ask questions that really make you ponder!
You need to ask the following types of questions:
2 Cause/Effect questions
1 Inferencing question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
2 similies
1 descriptive
1 passage of your choice
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
astonishment p.89 par.6
anticipation p.93 par. 19
auditorium p.98 par. 11
scribble p.104 par. 9
befuddled p.105 par. 5
Adjective Amalgamator
Your job is to write a descriptive letter to Bradley explaining in full detail how to be good person and not be a monster. Make sure you provide ample examples for Bradley so they he can easily understand your instructions. After you finish your letter, copy and paste it into a Wordle at and place it in your Google Doc.
After you finish with your role, add a comment to the VoiceThread on this section. (click the VoiceThread link to go to the appropriate page.)

Have fun!!!
Once again, we will stay within our groups and use Google Docs to facilitate our discussions. So, here are the roles for this section:
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found. Be sure you ask questions that really make you ponder!
You need to ask the following types of questions:
2 Cause/Effect questions
1 Inferencing question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
2 similies
1 descriptive
1 passage of your choice
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
astonishment p.89 par.6
anticipation p.93 par. 19
auditorium p.98 par. 11
scribble p.104 par. 9
befuddled p.105 par. 5
Adjective Amalgamator
Your job is to write a descriptive letter to Bradley explaining in full detail how to be good person and not be a monster. Make sure you provide ample examples for Bradley so they he can easily understand your instructions. After you finish your letter, copy and paste it into a Wordle at and place it in your Google Doc.
After you finish with your role, add a comment to the VoiceThread on this section. (click the VoiceThread link to go to the appropriate page.)

Have fun!!!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
How Do You Feel About Animals Now?
In Chapter 7 of History Alive, we learned that the Dutch (from Holland) came to the new world and colonized New York mainly due to their interest in fur trading. During our discussion, many of you exposed your thoughts against using animals for this reason. This sparked me to deliver my opinion about using animals as resources, now it is your turn.
Create a new post titled: "Why Animals..." in your post, state your opinion about using animals for food, shelter, and clothing and defend your thought clearly to convince your audience to agree with your stance on the matter. Be sure to check your spelling and punctuation so you do not distract the reader. Make your thoughts concise and meaningful. Try to use real-life examples in your argument to peruade others of your opinion.
After you have finished, visit at least 3 of your peer's blogs and make a comment on his/her argument.
Have fun!
Create a new post titled: "Why Animals..." in your post, state your opinion about using animals for food, shelter, and clothing and defend your thought clearly to convince your audience to agree with your stance on the matter. Be sure to check your spelling and punctuation so you do not distract the reader. Make your thoughts concise and meaningful. Try to use real-life examples in your argument to peruade others of your opinion.
After you have finished, visit at least 3 of your peer's blogs and make a comment on his/her argument.
Have fun!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Section 4 - TABITGB Pages 65-85
Alright! We have reached the turning point of our novel. Our characters are evolving and changing right before our very eyes, and I'm sure your opinions and predictions are beginning to change. So, let's dive into section 4 - pages 65 - 83. Here are the roles and responsibilities:
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found. Be sure you ask questions that really you use the ol' brain~
You need to ask the following types of questions:
1 Cause/Effect question
1 Problem/Solution
1 Setting question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Science Fiction
1 Descriptive
1 Passage of your choice
1 Controversial
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
intently p.67 par.2
hippopotamus p.68 par. 10
ray gun p.87 par.14
flunking p.84 par.7
scoffed p.85 par. 13
Adjective Amalgamator:
Write a descriptive paragraph about Jeff; how he was prior to Bradley's fight with Melinda and how he acts after claiming to give Bradley the black eye. Then create a Wordle ( afterwards and post to your Google Doc.
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where the answers are found. Be sure you ask questions that really you use the ol' brain~
You need to ask the following types of questions:
1 Cause/Effect question
1 Problem/Solution
1 Setting question
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Science Fiction
1 Descriptive
1 Passage of your choice
1 Controversial
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
intently p.67 par.2
hippopotamus p.68 par. 10
ray gun p.87 par.14
flunking p.84 par.7
scoffed p.85 par. 13
Adjective Amalgamator:
Write a descriptive paragraph about Jeff; how he was prior to Bradley's fight with Melinda and how he acts after claiming to give Bradley the black eye. Then create a Wordle ( afterwards and post to your Google Doc.
Monday, October 24, 2011
TABITGB Section 3 part 2
Ok, nearing the author's true reveling of what the problem of the story is after leaving numerous hints sprinkled throughout the previous 12 chapters. The action is beginning to rise and using your foreshadowing and inference skills, you are starting to anticipate the sequence of events. Well, let's finish up section 3 in our small groups and continue our roles in your Google Docs. However, as you read, let me throw this out to you. Your initial image of Bradley may change by the end of this section if so, what adjectives would you use to describe him now? When you finish reading, come back to this page and click on this link (Adjectives For Bradley) and follow the direction. We will compile a Wordle at the end of this section and compare our thoughts of Bradley at this point with how you felt toward the beginning of the story.
For my 9:45 small group, here is the audio of this last part of this section covering chapters 13 - 16 (pages 52 - 64). When you return at 10:30 please read along with the audio to complete the assignment.
For my 9:45 small group, here is the audio of this last part of this section covering chapters 13 - 16 (pages 52 - 64). When you return at 10:30 please read along with the audio to complete the assignment.
As we continue on in science, you had the opportunity to have some fun with electrical circuits. Here is an additional video to solidify your understanding of this concept. After watching the video, answer the following question by leaving a comment below: How does a flashlight work?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Section 3 - TABITGB Roles
Here are the Roles for section 3 Pages 43 - 63
1 Cause/Effect question
1 Compare/Contrast question
1 Characterization
1 Mood question
1 MCEOG Question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 humorous
1 descriptive
1 passage of your choice
1 alliteration
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
digest p.46 par.1
manure p.48 par.17
anguish p.49 par.6
reluctantly p.51 par.12
romping p. 58 par. 12
Adjective Amalgamtor
Use words from the text and the context to describe Jeff and then create a Wordle from your descriptive words. OR write a summary of Section 3 and type your summary in to create the image.
1 Cause/Effect question
1 Compare/Contrast question
1 Characterization
1 Mood question
1 MCEOG Question
Passage Picker:
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 humorous
1 descriptive
1 passage of your choice
1 alliteration
Word Wizard:
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
digest p.46 par.1
manure p.48 par.17
anguish p.49 par.6
reluctantly p.51 par.12
romping p. 58 par. 12
Adjective Amalgamtor
Use words from the text and the context to describe Jeff and then create a Wordle from your descriptive words. OR write a summary of Section 3 and type your summary in to create the image.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Honoring A True American Hero
Considering we did not get a chance to watch CNN news, I thought I add it here for you to look at on your own. However, one of the cover stories dealt with the new memorial dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. erected on the mall in Washington D.C. I know you may feel a little too young to know anything thing about Dr. King, but watch anyway and leave a comment stating what you do know or may have heard about this great man.
Section 2 Roles of TABITGB
Ok, I'm sorry this is so late, but here you go. Here are the responsibilities for Section 2.
Discussion Director Question Types:
2 Cause/Effect questions
1 Problem/ Solution
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Surprising
1 Descriptive
1 Fact/Opinion
1 Humorous
Word Wizard
Use the following words to fulfill the requirements as Word Wizard.
frantically p.25 par.9
grimaced p.30 par.13
ferociously p.33 par.12
geography p.31 par.1
karate p.40 par.1
Adjective Amalgamator
Come up with create adjectives to describe Section 2
Ok, You are on your own now, so come ready to input your part in your shared Google Doc.
Discussion Director Question Types:
2 Cause/Effect questions
1 Problem/ Solution
1 Opinion question
1 Mood question
Passage Picker
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Surprising
1 Descriptive
1 Fact/Opinion
1 Humorous
Word Wizard
Use the following words to fulfill the requirements as Word Wizard.
frantically p.25 par.9
grimaced p.30 par.13
ferociously p.33 par.12
geography p.31 par.1
karate p.40 par.1
Adjective Amalgamator
Come up with create adjectives to describe Section 2
Ok, You are on your own now, so come ready to input your part in your shared Google Doc.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
President Obama's Back To School Speech
What a privilege it is to be able to live in a time where the President of the United States speaks to students directly, encouraging them to be everything that their own imagination tells them they can be. I too implore you to start setting goals for yourself to become great. It's never to early to start.
Listen to the President's speech again, then respond on paper your thoughts and feelings toward and about the scenarios the President submits and suggest. Your paper must be an entire page in length. Your response can be longer, but not shorter. Please be sure to include references from the actual speech in our response.
It's not up to me, It's all up to you. Can't wait to read your work.
Listen to the President's speech again, then respond on paper your thoughts and feelings toward and about the scenarios the President submits and suggest. Your paper must be an entire page in length. Your response can be longer, but not shorter. Please be sure to include references from the actual speech in our response.
It's not up to me, It's all up to you. Can't wait to read your work.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Due to your email not working....
The server to Gaggle is not running today. Therefore you will need to access this temporary post to retrieve your assignments for the day (Thursday, September 29, 2011)
Complete google docs assignment on equivalent fractions. They will refer to our blog: for instructions.
UPSL 24 - 29
Prime Factorization Worksheet
Social Studies
Native American Cultural Regions Maps and Artifacts Sheets. Students will use the History Alive textbook in pairs to complete the map of the cultural regions. Afterwards, student will take construction paper and create 7 columns and sort each artifact into the appropriate categories.
Match It! and Word Unscramble worksheets
There is no library today due to Health Screening. Therefore, Students will have until 11:30 before going to computer lab. You actually can go to the lab at 11:15 if you like, it is available.
Health Screening for our class takes place at 12:10. You will take students directly to the library at this time. Lunch will follow at 12:35.
You will need your pink health cards with you when you go to the computer lab. You will use them during the health screening in the library.
I will have to print out a copy of your logins for iStation. The substitute will allow you to see them. Please, copy down the information and update your profile sheet on your flash drive.
See you later.
Complete google docs assignment on equivalent fractions. They will refer to our blog: for instructions.
UPSL 24 - 29
Prime Factorization Worksheet
Social Studies
Native American Cultural Regions Maps and Artifacts Sheets. Students will use the History Alive textbook in pairs to complete the map of the cultural regions. Afterwards, student will take construction paper and create 7 columns and sort each artifact into the appropriate categories.
Match It! and Word Unscramble worksheets
There is no library today due to Health Screening. Therefore, Students will have until 11:30 before going to computer lab. You actually can go to the lab at 11:15 if you like, it is available.
Health Screening for our class takes place at 12:10. You will take students directly to the library at this time. Lunch will follow at 12:35.
You will need your pink health cards with you when you go to the computer lab. You will use them during the health screening in the library.
I will have to print out a copy of your logins for iStation. The substitute will allow you to see them. Please, copy down the information and update your profile sheet on your flash drive.
See you later.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
CNN Student News...What Do You Think? 9/29/11
Please watch the following student report and leave a comment on your favorite story and why.
Google Drawing and Fractions Woo Hoo!
Fractions are sometimes difficult for students to grasp unless you provide some real-life application. Today, after the lesson on equivalent fractions, I want you to copy and paste the following task into a Google Drawing Form. Then use the tools to complete the assessment.
Assessment Task:
There were two pans of lasagna at the school picnic. Parents were careful to cut each pan of lasagna into equal portions. Tanya had 2 portions from one pan, while Daniel took 4 portions from the other pan. They both took the same amount of lasagna. How is this possible?
1. Show how the lasagna was divided into portions so Tanya’s 2 portions are equal to Daniel’s 4 portions. Shade in the portion of lasagna eaten by each child.
What fraction of the lasagna did Tanya eat?
What fraction of the lasagna did Daniel eat?

AFTER YOU FINISH, come back to the this blog and respond to the following scenario:
Normally, when Kevin's mom is cooking a big meal for the family, she measures out the ingredients using measuring cups. Unfortunately, Kevin's little sister used most of the meausuring cups while making mud pies in the back yard. In order for Kevin's mom to put in the right amount of ingredients, she has to come up with equivalent fractions for the available measuring cups in order to add the appropriate amount. For example, she had to add 1/2 cup of milk for the pie. She only had a 1/4 cup available. Therefore, she had to add 1/4 + 1/4 to equate to 1/2 because 2/4 (1/4 + 1/4 = 2/4) is equivalent to 1/2.
Have you ever had to do something in your home that required equivalent fractions? Come up with a real-life example of how equivalent fractions are used in your home and post it as a comment below.
Assessment Task:
There were two pans of lasagna at the school picnic. Parents were careful to cut each pan of lasagna into equal portions. Tanya had 2 portions from one pan, while Daniel took 4 portions from the other pan. They both took the same amount of lasagna. How is this possible?
1. Show how the lasagna was divided into portions so Tanya’s 2 portions are equal to Daniel’s 4 portions. Shade in the portion of lasagna eaten by each child.
What fraction of the lasagna did Tanya eat?
What fraction of the lasagna did Daniel eat?
AFTER YOU FINISH, come back to the this blog and respond to the following scenario:
Normally, when Kevin's mom is cooking a big meal for the family, she measures out the ingredients using measuring cups. Unfortunately, Kevin's little sister used most of the meausuring cups while making mud pies in the back yard. In order for Kevin's mom to put in the right amount of ingredients, she has to come up with equivalent fractions for the available measuring cups in order to add the appropriate amount. For example, she had to add 1/2 cup of milk for the pie. She only had a 1/4 cup available. Therefore, she had to add 1/4 + 1/4 to equate to 1/2 because 2/4 (1/4 + 1/4 = 2/4) is equivalent to 1/2.
Have you ever had to do something in your home that required equivalent fractions? Come up with a real-life example of how equivalent fractions are used in your home and post it as a comment below.
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